Family History News and Views from Lisa Louise Cooke, host of The Genealogy Gems Podcast at
Friday, December 18, 2009
A Bump in the Google Books Road
President Approves $470 Million Budget for National Archives
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has received a
Fiscal Year 2010 budget of $469,870,000 under the Consolidated
Appropriations Act signed by President Barack Obama on Wednesday,
December 16.
The overall appropriation of $469,870,000 is an increase of 2.31
percent over last year's funding of $459,277,000.
"Given these difficult economic times, we are extremely grateful to
the Congress and the President for the generous FY 2010 appropriations.
We will be able to continue to fund our core programs, offer the same
high standard of services to our researchers and the public, and
complete much-needed repairs and renovation of the Franklin Roosevelt
Library," said David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States.
"We are particularly pleased with the historic increase in the
allocation for the National Historical Publications and Records
Commission," he added. "This will allow us to further support the
nation's network of archives at a time when there is a critical need
to make the materials available to all Americans."
For NARA's Operating Expenses for FY 2010, the President and Congress
have provided $339,770,000, an increase from last year's appropriation
of $330,308,000. The increase will cover the costs of inflationary
increases in rent, energy, security and staff costs for NARA facilities
at 44 locations around the country.
The Operating Expenses account also includes funding for 12 new
entry-level archivists who will enter NARA's Archivist Development
Program, as well as for personnel for the new Office of Government
Information Services and the new Controlled Unclassified Information
Office, which is part of the Information Security Oversight Office.
For continued development of the Electronic Records Archives (ERA),
Congress appropriated $85,500,000, up from last year's appropriation
of $67,008,000. This will allow further progress toward providing public
access to the ERA, which eventually will allow anyone, anywhere, at any
time to access electronic records held by NARA. This budget will also
allow NARA to begin to establish the preservation framework for the
For repairs and renovations at NARA-owned facilities, the lawmakers
appropriated $27,500,000. This includes $17,500,000 as the last
installment for repairs and renovations at the Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York. The Roosevelt Library is
the oldest of the 13 Presidential libraries administered by NARA.
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC),
the grant-making arm of the Archives, will receive $13,000,000, up from
last year's $11,250,000. In the FY 2010 appropriation, $4,500,000 is
set aside for providing online access to the papers of the Founding
Fathers, as was requested in the President's budget.
The appropriations legislation also directs NARA to report to the House
and Senate appropriations committees within 30 days of enactment on
"information security improvements made or planned" and "to
promptly inform relevant committees of jurisdiction when any formal law
enforcement investigation is commenced into alleged theft of electronic
or other materials which may contain personally identifying
Thursday, December 17, 2009
D'oh! What a Family Tree!

Be in the Audience for the First Live Taping of The Genealogy Gems Podcast

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy Coming in January
Genealogists and Family Historians will gather from throughout the United States for week long in-depth learning and research experience in 2010 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy January 11-15, sponsored by Utah Genealogical Association.
Educational tracks cover topics include United States and European records and research to technology and professional accreditation. Each track provides participants one on one like experience to focus, explore, and discover needed insights in research that will dynamically progress opportunities to find and link generations.
Whether you are new to genealogy or seeking advanced insights, you will find opportunities to learn and explore important questions to further your research.
If you can’t attend during the day, there are 15 optional evening classes on dynamic topics ranging from maximizing Internet searching to solving research problems to organizing what you find.
Click on the following link to find out more about track descriptions, presenters, and registration for the in 2010 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy January 11-15.
Link www.infouga.orgSaturday, December 12, 2009
Not WDYTYA, but rather WDYTIWBO?
In fact, I've been wondering if the question isn't really Who Do You Think You Are?, but rather When Do You Think It Will Be On?
The bad news: WDYTYA will not premiere in January 2010 as previously reported, according to my source at NBC.
The good news: It's still in the queue.
Remember what your grandma always said: "Good things come to those who wait." So WDYTYA must be REALLY good!
I'll keep you posted!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Public Invited to Discuss Changes at National Archives
December 17 forum to address researcher ideas and concerns
Washington, DC. . . On Thursday, December 17, at 1:00 p.m., the
National Archives will hold an open public forum to discuss changes
under consideration for public research areas in the National Archives
Building in Washington, DC. Genealogists, scholars, Government agency
offices, and all other researchers who use the services and facilities
of the National Archives are invited to share their needs and concerns.
The meeting will take place in the Robert Warner Research Center of the
National Archives Building, located at 700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, DC. Attendees should use the Pennsylvania Ave. NW Research
In recent years, microfilm usage by researchers has dropped
significantly. Given this decreased demand for the numerous and bulky
microfilm reader machines, the National Archives now has an opportunity
to reallocate space in the building. By reducing the size of the
microfilm reading room to the number of stations actually in demand by
researchers, the National Archives can expand much-needed office space
for staff and public program spaces for visitors, while both maintaining
and strengthening researcher services.
There have been discussions this fall between researcher
representatives and National Archives staff on ways to design and equip
proposed new research areas. The National Archives now invites the
general public to participate in this discussion. National Archives
staff will explain the reasons for undertaking a space plan, its
objectives, and the planning process, and will invite comments and
answer questions. Alternative proposals will be described and
considered at this public forum. The goal is to reallocate space and
update equipment and systems so that researchers receive the most value
from every square foot of space.
Reservations are not required. Those who cannot attend are invited to
send written comments to:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
SECURITY ALERT: Family Tree Crashers
Monday, December 7, 2009
SCGS Family History Writing Contest Deadline Dec. 31, 2009
The Southern California Genealogical Society sponsors one of the very few writing contests designed specifically for family historians. The GENEii Family History Writers Contest, now in its tenth year, offers cash prizes in two categories:
Category 1: Family or local history articles of 1,000-2,000 words in length, published or unpublished. If previously published, entries must be accompanied by the written permission of the publisher allowing article to be reprinted by SCGS.
1st Place, $200
2nd Place, $100
3rd Place, $50
Honorable Mentions, certificate
Finalists, certificate
Category 2: Family or local history articles of 1,000 words or less, published or unpublished. If previously published, entries must be accompanied by the written permission of the publisher allowing article to be reprinted by SCGS.
1st Place, $100
2nd Place, $50
3rd Place, $25
Honorable Mentions, certificate
Finalists, certificate
The deadline for submissions for the 2009 contest is December 31, 2009.
All of the details and contest rules can be found on the SCGS Website at The FAQs can be found at
You can read examples of some of the entries on the website as well. Look on the left-hand side of the screen for "Writing Contest" and click on that link.
In November, 2005, Heritage Books, Inc. published an anthology of some of the most memorable entries to our contest in the contest’s first five years. The anthology is called Celebrating Family History, and is available for $25 plus shipping and handling through the SCGS website.
The Sounds of Yiddish Culture
"While all other aspects of Yiddish culture existed wherever Ashkenazic Jews lived, it was only in America that radio realized its greatest and most fulfilling use by and for Jews. Yiddish scholar Henry Sapoznik discusses and shares some of the most memorable and powerful moments in this nearly lost world of ethnic American broadcasting."
Broad categories of Yiddish radio shows are explored - from rabbinical advice programs to live Yiddish theater acts, from man-on-the-street interviews to the news of the day in verse.
Watch the Webcast which includes not only Henry Sapoznik's lecture but also images from the timeframe from the Library of Congress collection.'s WWII Collection Available Free During December 2009
Included in this exclusive collection is the Interactive USS Arizona Memorial. This online version allows people to view the actual wall of names and search for those they know. An interactive box for each name on the wall features additional information about each veteran and includes a place where anyone can contribute photos and stories. View the Captain of the USS Arizona, Franklin Van Valkenburgh, on the interactive wall.
It’s estimated that a little over 2 million WWII veterans are still alive in the United States today. However, thousands of veterans are passing away every month taking with them many of the stories from WWII. is making an effort to help preserve these stories by digitizing documents from the National Archives and providing interactive tools to help people connect with each other.
Christina Knoedler from Pennsylvania used the Missing Air Crew Reports on to discover information about her father-in-law, who is a WWII veteran. “The other night, I showed him what I had found,” explains Christina. “He couldn’t believe that these papers existed. They had not only his name but also his buddies’ names. He started to reminisce and it was quite an evening. This will allow me to go back and document many more events in our family’s history for the generations to come.”
The Missing Air Crew Reports are just one of the record collections found on Other WWII collections on include:
Pearl Harbor Muster Rolls
U.S. Air Force Photos
Submarine Patrol Reports
Japanese Air Target Analysis
Army JAG Case Files
Navy JAG Case Files
Naval Press Clippings
Allied Military Conferences
Holocaust Records
“People are making fascinating discoveries in these records,” says Russell Wilding, CEO of “Reading some of the first-hand accounts helps you develop a different view and appreciation of our WWII heroes and what they went through.”
To experience the Interactive USS Arizona Memorial and the World War II visit
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Many Thanks! And Some of The Bloggers I Enjoy

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Here's Why As A Genealogist You Should NEVER Give Up!

At the Family History Expo in St. George last year I did some "on the fly" interviews with participants who stopped by The Genealogy Gems Podcast booth. One of the questions I was asking was "what's your most precious heirloom?"
Monday, November 30, 2009
CyberMonday Special Discounts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Would You Like to Find a Lost Cousin?
- Email me at genealogygemspodcast at gmail dot com
- Call the Genealogy Gems Voice Mail line at 925-272-4021 to share your comments
- Post a comment on this blog.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Here are the Latest Free Records at FamilySearch
The states of Texas, Ohio, and Iowa were added to the U.S. 1920 Census at FamilySearch’s Record Search pilot. Spanish researchers will enjoy new civil registration images for the provinces of Cadiz, Granada, Malaga, Spain, from 1837–1870. Over 500,000 new digital images were added to the Brazil Catholic Church Records Collection. These birth, marriage, and death records are from the states of Bahia, Menas Gerais, Paraná, Pará, Pernambuco, and Sao Paolo. Over 400,000 Massachusetts marriage records were added for the period 1906 to 1915, and Catholic baptismal records were added for the Distrito Federal of Mexico.
These collections can be searched for free at the Record Search pilot (click Search Records, and then click Record Search pilot).
Collection Name: Brazil Catholic Church Records 1805–1979
Digital Images: 587,053
Comments: Digital images only; update to ongoing project.
Collection Name: Massachusetts Marriage Records, 1842–1915
Indexed Records: 408,589
Digital Images: 24,485
Comments: New index and image collection. This update contains marriage records for the period 1906–1915.
Collection Name: Mexico, Distrito Federal, Catholic Church Records
Indexed Records: 17,001
Digital Images: 2,818
Comments: New index and images for baptismal records; part of an ongoing project.
Collection Name: Spain Municipal Records, 1837–1870
Digital Images: 168,653
Comments: New digital image collection; part of an ongoing project.
Colection Name: United States 1920 Federal Census
Indexed Records: 13,134,234
Comments: Added indexes for Texas, Ohio, and Iowa
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Interactive Native American Collection Launched announced today that they have released "the Native American Collection" of historical records. Footnote has been partnering with the National Archives and the Allen County Library on the project which includes:
- Ratified Indian Treaties – dating back to 1722
- Indian Census Rolls – featuring personal information including age, place of residence and degree of Indian blood
- The Guion Miller Roll – perhaps the most important source of Cherokee genealogical research
- Dawes Packets – containing original applications for tribal enrollments
- And other documents relating to the Five Civilized Tribes
Footnote’s Native American microsite creates an interactive environment where members can search, annotate and add comments to the original documents. In addition there are pages for many of the Native American tribes that include historical events on a timeline and map, a photo gallery, stories and comments added by the community.
“Much like putting a puzzle together, brings pieces together in the form of historical documents to create a more vibrant picture of the events and people of the past,” says Justin Schroepfer, Marketing Director at “Together with the online community we are discovering a side of history that you cannot find in text books.” also provides a free service where visitors can create their own web pages for their Native American family.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
New free desktop genealogy software announced
Here's some great news from the folks at RootsMagic. Tell all your friends that they can start building their family tree for free!
SPRINGVILLE, Utah. — November 18, 2009 — RootsMagic, Inc. announced the immediate availability of RootsMagic Essentials, free desktop genealogy software based on their award-winning RootsMagic 4 system. RootsMagic Essentials contains many core features found in its namesake that allow the public to easily start tracing their family trees.
Essential Features for Everyone
“Many of our users have told us that they have friends and family members who are interested in getting started in family history but aren’t ready to invest in a more comprehensive package like RootsMagic,” said Bruce Buzbee, president. “RootsMagic Essentials gives them the features they need to start researching and recording their family tree at a price that can’t be beat—free!”
RootsMagic Essentials shares many of the same features with the full RootsMagic software including clean and friendly screens, the ability to add an unlimited number of people and events, pictures and media management, the SourceWizard to write your source citations for you, powerful merging and clean-up tools, dozens of reports and charts, support for international character sets, FamilySearch integration, and the ability to share data with other people and software programs. The full version of RootsMagic is available for purchase and includes features not available in RootsMagic Essentials.
Free and Available Now
RootsMagic Essentials is available now for free at Users of other genealogy software products will find it easy to experiment with RootsMagic Essentials using their own data. RootsMagic Essentials can directly import data from PAF, Family Tree Maker (through 2006), Family Origins, and Legacy Family Tree. It can also read and write data using the popular GEDCOM format.
"We're excited to make RootsMagic Essentials available to the community," said Michael Booth, vice-president. "Our mission is to provide 'software to unite families' and our hope is that RootsMagic Essentials will encourage more people to record their family trees and connect with their family histories".
About RootsMagic, Inc.
For over 20 years, RootsMagic, Inc. has been creating computer software with a special purpose—to unite families. One of our earliest products- the popular "Family Origins" software, introduced thousands of people to the joy and excitement of family history.
That tradition continues today with "RootsMagic", our award-winning genealogy software which makes researching, organizing, and sharing your family history fun and easy. "Personal Historian" will help you easily write and preserve your life stories. "Family Reunion Organizer" takes the headaches out of planning those important get-togethers. And "Family Atlas" creates beautiful and educational geographic maps of your family history.
For more information, visit
Source: RootsMagic, Inc.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Get Your Needles Ready! Eisenhower Heritage Behind Veterans Day Quilts of Valor Challenge
Because I'm a lucky recipient of heritage quilts handed down in my family, this announcement from the folks at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum immediately caught my eye. It's about a wonderful opportunity to lovingly piece together a tribute to the service of our brave men and women that they can pass down to future generations.
"The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum is pleased to announce its first ever Annual Veterans Day Quilts of Valor Challenge. Participants will have nearly a year to work on their quilts for submission. Quilts will be collected and put on display in time for Veterans Day 2010.
In partnership with the Quilts of Valor Foundation and the Kansas Quilts of Valor, the quilts will be distributed to wounded service men and women. Distribution points will include military and VA hospitals, CVN-69 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and other veteran organizations.
This challenge is being organized by Jan Hottman, staff member at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum. "Not only were quilts and blankets made on the homefront for troops during WWII, but support and concern for the troops was paramount to Eisenhower. This is one more way for us to carry on the legacy of the 5-star General and 34th President of the United States," states Hottman. "The Eisenhower boys helped their mother, Ida Stover Eisenhower, make quilts for the family while growing up in Abilene. He would understand the comfort and love of something made by hand."
The Quilts of Valor organization provides heirloom quality quilts for men and women who have been injured serving our country. They deserve to have a quilt that will be handed down in their families. Think of the quilt as a special hug from you to them. The quilts may be pieced, quilted, and labeled by a single person, group, or school. If you are not able to complete the quilting, you may submit the top with backing and label to be completed by volunteers.
Quilt entries should be a minimum size of 50" x 60" and include matching binding and backing. The backing should be a surplus of 4" on all four sides of the top. Standard/twin size pillowcases made from extra material should also be included. These pillowcases can later be used for storing the QOV."
What: A quilt challenge to make an heirloom quilt with pillowcase for every injured military personnel. A journal started by the quilter, to be completed by the person receiving the quilt, may also be included. The quilts can be made by individuals or groups, and you can make as many as you wish.
When: Starting November 11, 2009. Quilts, with pillowcases, and optional journals can be brought or mailed to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum by October 22, 2010. The quilts will be on display from November 8-29, 2010. They will then be distributed to military and VA hospitals.
Where: The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum
200 SE Fourth Street
Abilene, KS 67410
Phone: 785-263-6700
Visit the website for more information.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Imagine getting opportunity to move into the home your spouse had grown up in only to discover that your ancestors had roamed its halls centuries before! That's what happened to Lori Colby, and her intriguing story unfolds in the article "This Old House: Ancestral Home Gives Sense of History" on the Wicked Local Bolton, Massachusetts news web site.
You can't help but envision the children over the decades playing hide and seek in the secret nooks and crannies in the home that Lori describes. And I found myself envious of the gloriously large brick fireplace featured in the photo that accompanies the article. (be sure to click on it to get the full view!)
Have you or do you live an an old house? Or better yet, and ancestral home? Tell us about your trap doors, and special findings in the Comments section.
I'll start: We once owned a large old Victorian home in Washington State. Down in the basement was a wall of very unusual book shelves...too shallow and small for average size books. On them remained one small book with the handwritten name "Andrus" inside the front cover. A bit of research at the public library revealed the house had once been owned by Colonel Andrus famous for his involvement in the Nuremberg trials. And soon the mystery was solved: the bookshelves had been custom built by the Colonel to house his personal collection of small diary books in which he took copious notes on the trials.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Amazing Finds at DeadFred

All of these tales of genealogical serendipity are not confined to "other genealogists." With a bit of patience and a dose of luck you too could find a gem on the DeadFred web site.
(BTW - you'll hear from a surprise "guest" on this episode as well!)
Listen now to Genealogy Gems Podcast Episode 74 and check out the show notes for photos and more information.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009 Will Add Interactive Census
Lindon, UT – October 29, 2009 – Today announced it will digitize and create a searchable database for all publicly available U.S. Federal Censuses ranging from the first U.S. Census taken in 1790 to the most current public census from 1930.
Through its partnership with The National Archives, will add more than 9.5 million images featuring over a half a billion names to its extensive online record collection.
“The census is the most heavily used body of records from the National Archives,” explains Cynthia Fox, Deputy Director at the National Archives. “In addition to names and ages, they are used to obtain dates for naturalizations and the year of immigration. This information can then be used to locate additional records.”
With over 60 million historical records already online, will use the U.S. Census records to tie content together, creating a pathway to discover additional records that previously have been difficult to find.
“We see the census as a highway leading back to the 18th century,” explains Russ Wilding, CEO of “This Census Highway provides off-ramps leading to additional records on the site such as naturalization records, historical newspapers, military records and more. Going forward, will continue to add valuable and unique collections that will enhance the census collection.”
To date, has already completed census collections from two key decades: 1930 and 1860. As more census decades are added to the site, visitors to can view the status for each decade and sign up for an email notification when more records are added to the site for a particular year.
View the Census Progress Page on
In addition to making these records more accessible, is advancing the way people use the census by creating an interactive experience. Footnote Members can enrich the census records by adding their own contributions. For any person found in the census, users can:
- Add comments and insights about that person
- Upload and attach scanned photos or documents related to that person
- Generate a Footnote Page for any individual that features stories, a photo gallery, timeline and map
- Identify relatives found in the census by clicking the I’m Related button
“The most popular feature of our Interactive Census is the I’m Related button,” states Roger Bell, Senior Vice President of Product Development at “This provides an easy way for people to show relations and actually use the census records to make connections with others that may be related to the same person.”
“We will continue to move aggressively to add records to the site, specifically those that are requested by our members and others that are not otherwise available on the Internet,” said Wilding.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Free Tool for Genealogy Gems Listeners

Bring Genealogy Gems with you wherever you surf on the Web with the brand new Genealogy Gems Toolbar!
In one free, quick & easy download you will get:
- Google Search Box: search Google or the Genealogy Gems website
- Highlighter Pen: highlight text on any web page
- Podcast Player: listen to any episode of Genealogy Gems, Family History, or The Family Tree Magazine Podcast as you surf
- Gem Sites: Lisa's top picks for free research
- Genealogy Gems News
- Genealogy Gems Video Channel
- Follow Lisa's Tweets on Twitter right from your browser
- Friend Lisa on Facebook
- Genealogy Insider Blog
- Instant Alerts from Genealogy Gems
Download your free Genealogy Gems Toolbar today!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Drew and George Turn the Microphone on Lisa
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Latest On Who Do You Think You Are? In The U.S.
The website reports on one of the major differences between Kudrow's show and the BBC titan: "One big difference between the UK and the US versions is that in the UK the show runs for one hour with no breaks. In the states there are commercial breaks, meaning that the total running time is down to 42 minutes."
Who Do You Think You Are? is now slated for launch in January 2010, but that remains to be seen.
Read the whole story and stay tuned for continuing updates..
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Latest Genealogy Records at FamilySearch
New indexing projects added this week are:
· Argentina, Buenos Aires—1855 Censo [Parte 2]
· Canada, Ontario, Toronto—Trust Cemeteries, 1826–1935
· U.S., Maine—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., New York—1920 Federal Census
Volunteers can help with these projects at
Recently Completed Projects
(Note: Recently completed projects have been removed from the available online indexing batches and will now go through a final completion check process in preparation for future publication.)
· Argentina, Mendoza, San Juan—Censo 1869
· Guatemala, Guatemala—Censo de 1877
· U.S., Kentucky—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., Indiana—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., Vermont—Militia Records, 1861–1867
Current FamilySearch Indexing Projects, Record Language, and Percent Completion
Argentina, Buenos Aires—1855 Censo [Parte 2] Spanish (New)
Argentina, Cordoba—Matrimonios, 1642–1931 Spanish 7%
Argentina, Santiago, Santa Fe—1869 Censo, Spanish, 94%
Belgium, Antwerp—Foreigners Index, 1840–1930, English, 61%
Canada, British Columbia—Deaths, 1872–1986, English, 56%
Canada, British Columbia—Marriages, 1859–1932, English,90%
Canada, Québec, Montreal—Régistres Paroissiaux, 1800–1900, French, 4%
Chile, Concepción—Registros Civiles, 1885–1903 [Parte 1], Spanish, 43%
Deutschland, Brandenburg—Kirchenbücher, 1789–1875, German, 82%*
Deutschland, Mecklenburg—Volkszählung, 1890 [Div 24–38], German, 95%
Deutschland, Mecklenburg—Volkszählung, 1890 [Div 39–69], German, 1%
España, Avila, Madrigal y Garganta—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1935, Spanish, 4%
España, Avila, Navalmoral—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1935, Spanish, 16%
España, Lugo—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1930 [Parte 1], Spanish, 23%
France, Cherbourg—Registres Paroissiaux, 1802–1907, French, 4%
France, Coutances—Registres Paroissiaux 1802–1907, French, 3%
France, Coutances, Paroisses de la Manche, 1792–1906, French, 90%
France, Paris—Registres Protestants, 1612–1906 [Partie 2], French, 50%
France, Saint-Lo—Registres Paroissiaux, 1802–1907, French, 11%
Guatemala, Guatemala—Bautismos de Sagrario, 1898–1920, Spanish, 48%
Italy, Trento—Baptisms, 1784–1924 [Part 1], Italian, 95%
Italy, Trento—Baptisms, 1784–1924 [Part 2], Italian, 49%
Mexico, DF—Registros Parroquiales, 1898–1933 [Parte 2], Spanish, 48%
Mexico, Hidalgo—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 22%
Mexico, Jalisco—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 12%
Mexico, Mexico—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 72%
New Zealand—Passenger Lists, 1871–1915, English, 43%
Nicaragua, Managua—Registros Civiles, 1879–1984 [Parte 1], Spanish, 14%
Perú, Lima—Registros Civiles, 1910–1930 [Parte 3], Spanish, 36%
Philippines, Lingayen, Dagupan—Registros Parroquiales, 1615–1982, Spanish, 1%
Russland, Sankt Petersburg—Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1833–1885, German, 1%
South Africa, Cape Province—Church Records, 1660–1970, English, 12%
Sverige, Södermanland—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 3%
Sverige, Uppsala—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 10%
Sverige, Örebro—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 1%
Tschechien, Litomerice—Kirchenbücher, 1552–1905 [Teil 1], German, 13%
U.K., Cheshire—Parish Records, 1538–1850 [Part 2], English/Old English, 47%
U.K., Warwickshire—Parish Registers, 1754-1900 [Part 2], English, 13%
U.S., Arkansas—County Marriages, 1837–1957 [VII], English, 59%
U.S., Georgia—1920 Federal Census, English, 59%
U.S., Illinois, Cook—Birth Certificates, 1916–1922 [Part 2], English, 90%
U.S., Indiana, Allen County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 71%
U.S., Indiana, Benton County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 50%
U.S., Indiana, Boone County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 22%
U.S., Indiana, Brown County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 33%
U.S., Indiana, Harrison County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 17%
U.S., Kansas—1920 Federal Census, English, 73%
U.S., Maine—1920 Federal Census, English, (New)
U.S., New York—1905 State Census, English,74%
U.S., New York—1920 Federal CensusEnglish, (New)
U.S., Rhode Island—1905 State Census [Part 1],English, 20%
U.S., Rhode Island—1935 State Census, English, 39%
Venezuela, Mérida—Registros Parroquiales, 1654–1992 [Parte 1], Spanish, 75%
Österreich, Wiener Meldezettel, 1890–1925, German, 3%
Украина, Киев—Метрические Книги, 1840–1842, Russian, 40%
(*Percentage refers to a specific portion of a larger project.)
Current FamilySearch Partner Projects, Record Language, and Percent Completion
Australia, Victoria—Probate Records, 1853–1989, English, 76%
België, Mechelen—Overlijdens Registers, 1851-1900, Dutch, Flemish, 48%
Belgique—Registres Des Décès—En Français, 1796–1910, French, 36%
*Canada, Ontario, Toronto—Trust Cemeteries, 1826–1935, English, (New)
Deutschland, Bremen—Schifflisten, 1904–1914, German, 76%
Norway—1875 Census [Part 1], Norwegian, 73%
U.S., Ohio—Tax Records, Post 1825 [Part 2], English, 87%
U.S., Ohio—Tax Records, Post 1825 [Part 3], English, 1%
U.S., Utah, Salt Lake County—Birth Registers, 1890–1908, English, 1%
U.S., Utah, Salt Lake County—Death Registers, 1848–1940, English, 22%
(*Percentage refers to a specific portion of a larger project.)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's Never Too Late to Find Someone or Be Found
Here's another example that it is never too late to find someone, or be found. Read the story of how Arnold Nikolaisen found his older adopted sister Traudy in the article At age 75, Kearns man finds sister in Michigan at the Salt Lake Tribune online.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Do You Have Broken Branches In Your Family Tree?

I have yet to meet anyone who has not had sad and painful stories surface during their research...relatives who committed crimes, were institutionalized, or ended their own lives.
In the case of one of my listener's, the broken branch was very close to home - her parents. And more specifically the mother who left her and her sister on a street corner one day, never to return.
Listen to episode 44 of Family History: Genealogy Made Easy to hear her incredible story. She shares the pain of her childhood, her search for her mother, and the healing and freedom that can come from exploring your family tree.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Rare Savings This Weekend Only!

This weekend celebrate Columbus Day by getting 14.92% off your order at the Genealogy Gems store at featuring...
- My book Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies
- Archived Premium Episodes 2 through 7
(audio podcast download and pdf show notes documents)
Use the Coupon Code PINTA
Sale ends Oct. 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Free Archiving Class by Phone on Mon. Oct. 12, 2009
3 Secrets Every Archivist Should Know
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009
Start Time: 02:00 PM Central Daylight Time
End Time: 03:30 PM Central Daylight Time
Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-6333 (Midwest)
Participant Access Code: 451092
Check out Sally's web site for more information.
An Ancestor Is Known By His Pets?

Back in 1905 The New York Tribune ran an article entitle "A Man Is Known By His Pets Some People Say." Could this concept be the next addition to genealogy databases - should we be adding Fido to our ancestor's Pedigree chart? Or would that just be barking up the wrong tree? (I know, ouch!)
To learn more about how pets provide insights to their owners, check out the Library of Congress' Flickr photostream. They have added another year's worth of historic illustrated newspaper pages. The New-York Tribune Illustrated Supplement section of 1905, printed on Sundays, includes published images of signature events of 1905, including: Russian peasants in revolt, dog shows, balloon animals, sculpted shrubbery, and more....In Flickr, you can tag it, add a note, share it....and even read more about it! Chronicling America Illustrated Newspaper Pages from 1905 Added to LC Flickr Photostream
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tomorrow is last day for Webinar discount - Get the scoop on Vital Records

Hurry! Early Bird Pricing Ends Tomorrow, October 8th.
Get the vitals on your ancestors!
Vital Records:Researching Your Ancestors' Births, Marriages and Deaths Online
When: Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 PM EST(6:00 CST, 5:00 MST, 4:00 PST
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $49.99 $39.99 through October 8th
Presenter: Lisa Louise Cooke, host of the Family Tree Magazine Podcast
REGISTER NOW!Do you have all of the vital information for your ancestors? Or, are you missing key pieces of information that would unlock the rest of your research?
Find out how to obtain those essential pieces of your genealogy search with our informative live webinar.
You'll learn:
- an overview of US birth, marriage and death records
- why coverage and access varies from state to state
- types of vital records Web sites
- major sites with vital records and indexes
- how to get offline records with the help of online resources
- Participation in the live presentation and Q&A session
- Online access to the workshop recording after the session concludes
- PDF of the presentation slides for future reference
How Does This Live Event Work?
An online workshop - also called a "webinar" - is a lot like a live workshop or seminar you'd attend at a genealogy society meeting or conference, only it takes place over the Internet. That means you can "attend" the workshop from the comfort of home. All you need is a computer and a broadband Internet connection no special computer skills are required.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
National Archives and Announce New Digital Holocaust Collection
The National Archives and Records Administration and today announced the release of the internet's largest Interactive Holocaust Collection. For the first time ever, over one million Holocaust-related records - including millions of names and 26,000 photos from the National Archives- will be available online. The collection can be viewed at:
"We cannot afford to forget this period in our history," said Dr. Michael Kurtz, Assistant Archivist of the United States and author of America and the Return of Nazi Contraband: The Recovery of Europe's Cultural Treasures. "Working with Footnote, these records will become more widely accessible, and will help people now and in the future learn more about the events and impact of the Holocaust."
Included among the National Archives records available online at are:
* Concentration camp registers and documents from Dachau, Mauthausen, Auschwitz, and Flossenburg
* The "Ardelia Hall Collection" of records relating to the Nazi looting of Jewish possessions, including looted art
* Captured German records including deportation and death lists from concentration camps
* Nuremberg War Crimes Trial proceedings
Access to the collection will be available for free on through the month of October.
The collection also includes nearly 600 interactive personal accounts of those who survived or perished in the Holocaust provided by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The project incorporates social networking tools that enable visitors to search for names and add photos, comments and stories, share their insights, and create pages to highlight their discoveries. There will be no charge to access and contribute to these personal pages.
"These pages tell a personal story that is not included in the history text books," said Russ Wilding, CEO of "They give visitors a first-hand glimpse into the tragic events of the Holocaust and allow users to engage with content such as maps, photos, timelines and personal accounts of victims and survivors through over 1 million documents."
So that visitors may more easily access and engage the content, has created a special Holocaust site featuring:
* Stories of Holocaust victims and survivors
* Place where visitors can create their own pages to memorialize their Holocaust ancestors
* Pages on the concentration camps - includes descriptions, photos, maps, timelines and accounts from those who survived the camps
* Descriptions and samples of the original records from the National Archives
The Holocaust collection is the latest in a continuing partnership between and the National Archives to scan, digitize, and make historical records available online. The goal is to give more people access to these and other historical records that have previously only been available through the research room of the National Archives. This partnership brings these priceless resources to an even greater number of people and enables the National Archives to provide ever-greater access to these critical holdings.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Who Do You Think You Are? Update
An article at not only confirms the sale, but also reports that the U.S. version will now premiere in January 2010. Lisa Kudrow has recently been on the road promoting the show and also told Bonnie Hunt on her daytime show that it's on the way, so it may happen after all.
Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Video Interview with the Ancestry Insider
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Again.

Washington, DC. . .The National Archives celebrates the 70th anniversary of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with a screening of the film on Thursday, October 15, at 7 p.m. The screening will be introduced by special guest Robert Osborne, film historian and host of Turner Classic Movies. This event is free and open to the public, and will be held in the William G. McGowan Theater of the National Archives Building, located at Constitution and 7th St., NW. Metro accessible on the Yellow and Green lines, Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter station.
The program is presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in partnership with The Charles Guggenheim Center for the Documentary Film and the Foundation for the National Archives.
Frank Capra's classic film, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, premiered on October 17, 1939, at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The event was sponsored by the National Press Club, who invited over 4000 guests including 45 U.S. Senators.
Starring James Stewart, Jean Arthur, Claude Rains, and Thomas Mitchell, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was nominated for 11 Academy Awards ®, and won for Writing - Original Story. Through a quirk of fate, Jefferson Smith (James Stewart), the idealistic head of the "Boy Rangers," is appointed a U.S. Senator from an unnamed state. He soon learns the harsh realities of Washington politics, and his patriotism and belief in democracy are tested. A pristine 35mm print courtesy of the Academy will be shown. (129 minutes.)
Special Note: Mr. Osborne is available for phone interviews in advance of his appearance at the National Archives. Please contact the National Archives Public Affairs Staff at: (202) 357-5300.
For more information, the public should call the Public Programs Line at: (202) 357-5000, or view the Calendar of Events on the web at:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Early Bird Discount Available For Short Time for Mesa AZ Genealogy Conference
Take advantage of this special pricing: only $55.00 for the full 2 day registration (last year it was $95.00 at the door).
I will be at the Mesa Family History Expo with my Genealogy Gems booth in the exhibit hall and teaching several classes. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Google Books Revolutionary Next Step
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Event That Is Part of Every Family's History
I've been thinking a lot about that trip recently.
First because I just interviewed the head of the Genealogy Room at the Library of Congress for the September episode of the Family Tree Magazine Podcast. James Sweany, the Head of the department is incredibly knowledgeable. I asked if he would give my Genealogy Gems Premium Members an audio tour of the the Library and he graciously agreed. That tour will be available this month in Premium Episode 31. James says that visible changes include stricter security measures and non-existent parking. However, his tour will help us navigate those changes to ensure a pleasant and rewarding visit.
Second, this week marks the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Our visit to Washington DC and New York City occurred just two weeks prior to the attacks. They have since been changed in profound ways.
In a recent column entitled "Tragedy, Heros Connected to Family History by PA Land" author Rhonda Whetstone shares her memories of that fateful day - how with each news flash the events grew closer and closer to her own family and family history.
Here on the West Coast, home safely from a wonderful family vacation, we counted our blessings that our family was safe. And then we painfully watched with the rest of our small town as we discovered that one of our own citizens, Thomas Burnett, had worked alongside the other passengers on Flight 93, and lost his life trying to prevent an even greater tragedy.
Everyone's family was in some way touched that day.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Historic Arkansas Marriage Records Online at FamilySearch

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Part 2: How to Blog Your Family History and Genealogy
I have had a blast receiving emails from listeners literally around the world about the family history blogs they are creating by following these step-by-step instructions.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Divorce Records Might Be Found At The New Divorce Centre
My family has a marital family history connection with Reno. Fortunately my grandparents didn't divorce there, but rather married there in the 1930s.
From the Library of Congress:
The Citizen (Berea, KY) noted a new cultural development taking place in the "frontier post of civilization" that was Reno, Nevada in 1909. A recent decrease in the length of time necessary for state residency, easy access by railroad, and a proximity to the cosmopolitan cities of the West Coast were transforming a mining community into the nation's leading divorce colony. The Nevada divorce statutes, requiring a residency of only six months, were known for their "length, breadth, height, elasticity, and all other qualities that lend themselves to the seeker after easy matrimonial freedom"....Read more about it!