1. I collect cartoon glasses - you know the kind that came from Taco Bell and Pizza Hut in the 1970s. I admit it - I have nearly every one ever made.
2. I'm about to become a grandma for the first time in about a week. I'm ecstatic! (OK, my podcast listeners probably already knew this!)
3. I love crafts - It started with making puppets when I was little (now you know I did the Socks to America video), and moved on to cross stitching, sewing, painting, knitting, crocheting...this all goes back to my great grandmother (and perhaps further back) and was inherited down the female line.
4. My television debut was on The Brakeman Bill Show in 1972 in Tacoma, WA.
5. I helped kill a rattlesnake that my daughter stumbled into.
6. I come from a long line of TV and movie "quoters." It's a gene I seemed to have passed on to my kids.
7. I don't eat my vegetable. :-(
And now for the 7 bloggers upon whom I bestow the Kreativ Blogger award. These are some of the bloggers who keep me informed, inspired, and moving forward in my own research.
Thank you so much for mentioning my website and blog!
Kathryn Flocken
Silhouette Artist
Congrats on the award!! Neat to learn more about you too. I remember those glasses you mentioned-when I was growing up we had some-makes me wonder what happened to them : )
Thank you so much for passing the award along to me-makes my day to know you enjoy the Blind Pig!!!
Thanks so much Lisa,
Fun to learn those new things about you.
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