Family History News and Views from Lisa Louise Cooke, host of The Genealogy Gems Podcast at
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Plan Now For Future Genealogy Research
Here's a list of record collections that Ancestry recently announced will be coming soon:
WWII Draft Registration Cards
Expected Launch: Just launched
Est. Name Count: 450k
Est. Image Count: 2m
Description: Adding draft cards for the state of Illinois. This is more of the Fourth Registration or "Old Man's Draft."
Alabama State Census, 1820, 1850, 1855, 1866
Expected Launch: Just launched
Est. Name Count: 1.8m
Est. Image Count: 61k
Description: This is a World Archives Project. Four census years, three before the Civil War, one just after.
1890 Census Improved
Expected Launch: Next week (end of May)
Est. Name Count: 6,000
Est. Image Count: 2,400
Description: First in series of monthly census updates. By the end of the year we will have 1790 to 1900 updated.
Addition of over 50 cities added to the U.S. Historical Newspapers Collection
Expected Launch: Next week (end of May)
Est. Name Count: 100’s of Millions
Est. Image Count: Over 5 Million
Description: Papers from over 50 new cities will be added. The full-text index and Advanced Image Viewer deliver highlighted search hits on every page.
Multiple Canadian Census Years
Expected Launch: June
Description: If you have Canadian roots you are going to love June.
Early City Directories
Expected Launch: June
Est. Name Count: 10 million
Est. Image Count: 280,000
Description: A large collection of city directories many before the 1850’s. This is a great historic collection that can complement and in many cases actually augment your census research.
Fun School Yearbooks
Expected Launch: June
Est. Name Count: 2 million
Est. Image Count: 266,000
Description: A large addition to our school yearbooks collection. Finding an ancestor in these books not only reveals fun pictures, they also often tell a story about their life, their times and their friends.
Want to get all the latest Genealogy Gems news first? Sign up for my free e-newsletter which will give you the latest news, podcast episodes & videos as well as my favorite "genealogy gem" research tips and websites.
And as my big thank you to you for signing up I'll send you my 20 page e-book entitled 5 Fabulous Google Research Strategies for the Family Historian!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
11 New Indexing Project at FamilySearch
They are:
· Argentina Censo 1869—Jujuy Salta Tucuman
· Canada, British Columbia Births, 1854–1903
· France, Paroisses de Cherbourg, 1802–1907
· France, Paroisses de Saint-Lo, 1802–1907
· France, Paroisses de Coutances, 1802–1907
· France Registres Protestants, 1612–1906 [Part 1]
· France Registres Protestants, 1612–1906 [Part 2]
· Indiana, Blackford County Marriages 1811–1959
· North Dakota—1920 U.S. Federal Census
· Ohio Tax Records—3 of 4, Post 1825
· South Carolina—1920 U.S. Federal Census
Friday, May 22, 2009
Stephen Danko Has The Answers For You

After giving a terrific presentation to my local genealogy society, Stephen and I headed out for a wonderful Italian lunch, and followed it up with an indepth interview on tracking down and utilizing some of my favorite genealogical records.
Stephen explains the meaning behind those cryptic passenger list numbers along with just about everything else you need to know about these rich resources.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Lincoln Letter Returned to the People

A ceremony at which a donor will present to the National Archives an original letter written by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This letter, in President Lincoln's own hand on Executive Mansion letterhead, was originally part of the Records of the U.S. Treasury.
Archivist's Reception Room, Room 105
Say It Ain't So, NBC
'Nuff said.
A Lifetime of Home Movies On One DVD?

Several years ago I inherited a box of home movies that my grandparents shot. I scurried over to Ebay and picked up an old Kodak projector that could show them. It was exciting to see images flickering on the screen that I hadn't seen for decades.
But practicality dictated that they be converted to an updated format that could be more easily viewed. Back then it was a VHS tape, and that conversion was VERY expensive!
But today the VHS tape has already lost some of it's quality, and so the next step is to get them digitized. But even then it would take many DVDs to hold the dozens of hours of footage.
Well, hope may be on the horizon: the Nature journal has just reported that researchers have developed a new optical recording method that could make it possible for new data discs to hold 300 times the storage capacity as a standard DVD.
The new "five-dimensional" recording could find it's way to the commercial market offering us 1.6 terabytes (not mega, not Giga, but Tera!) of storage space on one DVD.
Read more about what researchers are up to at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fashion and Genealogy Rubbed Elbows in Raleigh
It seems what caught the Raleigh paper's attention most was not the genealogical education opportunities or exhibit hall vendors, but rather the very unusual mix of visitors at the Raleigh Convention Center. The Raleigh Fashion Week event was being held upstairs while genealogists gathered on the lower floors.
My friend and fellow board member at my local genealogy society, Dorothy Stanton, was quoted in the article when asked if she had noticed the fashion folks said, "I did see a lot of young people walking around that didn't look like they belonged to our group."
Monday, May 18, 2009
Jerry Seinfeld Among Ellis Island Heritage Award

This years recipients of the Ellis Island Family Heritage Awards are:
Quarterback Joe Namath
Nobel laureate Dr. Eric R. Kandel
Comedian and producer Jerry Seinfeld
Music superstars Gloria and Emilio Estefan
The awards will be presented Tuesday, May 19, 2009 in the Great Hall at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Candice Bergen, Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actress, will serve as Host.
The Foundation’s database of ship’s passenger arrivals are available at the American Family Immigration History Center® and online at and include the arrivals of 25 million immigrants, travelers and crew members who came through America’s Golden Door and the Port of New York between 1892-1924.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What Advice Would You Give?

I received the following article written by the author of a new book called Annie's Ghosts. The article is an interesting look into the mind of a non-genealogist.
What do you think about his interaction with the genealogist he looks to for help? What do you think about his reluctance to post his family tree due to it's "broken branches?" What advice would you give someone in his shoes?
Genealogy for the rest of us
A writer's guide to diving into family history
By Steve Luxenberg,
Author of Annie's Ghosts: A Journey Into a Family Secret
I am not a genealogist. I am a storyteller.
FamilySearch Update: New & Completed Projects

New indexing projects added this week are:
- Austria, Wiener Meldezettel
- Germany, Mecklenburg 1890 Volkszählung, Div 24-38
- Indiana, Adams County Marriages, 1811-1959
- Indiana, Allen County Marriages, 1811-1959
- Mississippi—1920 U.S. Federal Census
- New York 1905 State Census
- UK, Warwickshire Parish Registers, 1538–Present
- Montana—1920 U.S. Federal Census
- Nebraska—1920 U.S. Federal Census
- New York 1892 State Census
- Rhode Island 1925 State Census
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Boy Oh Boy Have You Been Busy, I Tell Ya What!

That's a tremendous amount of valuable content - both to Ancestry and to genealogists. A whopping example of "Web 2.0." Boy oh boy, have you been busy!
According to Ancestry, "Since July 2006, millions of people have built family trees on, some growing their trees to amazing heights. The largest tree includes almost 280,000 people. Another tree has almost 17,500 photos. And one user has shared her tree with more than 260 people."
Have you posted your family tree online? If so, has it furthered your research substantially? Share your experiences by leaving a Comment on this post.
To learn more about posting your family tree online, listen to the following Family History: Genealogy Made Easy podcast episodes:
Episode 12 featuring Kenny Freestone who's responsible for family trees at Ancestry
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Gem of a Chat with A Genealogy Guy

George and I will be collaborating in a few weeks at the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree as panel participants at the Son of a Blogger Summit. So I thought it would be fun to have him on the show to not only hear more about it, but also just to get to know George a little better.
In our chat you'll hear how he got started in his own research, what keeps him motivated to keep going, and what family history has meant to him on a personal level.
Want to get all the latest Genealogy Gems Podcast news first? Sign up for my free e-newsletter which will give you the latest news, podcast episodes & videos as well as my favorite "genealogy gem" research tips and websites.
And as my big thank you to you for signing up I'll send you my 20 page e-book entitled 5 Fabulous Google Research Strategies for the Family Historian!
Friday, May 8, 2009
What You'll Find at the New Kansas City NARA Location
The new facility will be dedicated Memorial Day weekend, May 22-23,2009. Highlights will include an official dedication with remarks byActing Archivist of the United States Adrienne Thomas, an open house and history/genealogy fair, and a speech by Clifton Truman Daniel, former President Harry S. Truman's oldest grandson. Performances by the312th Army band will precede and follow his remarks. Tours of the new facility and exhibits, It's Big! and The Kansas-Nebraska Act, will be available, along with family activities. For more information see
National Archives at Kansas City
One of 13 Regional Archives, the National Archives at Kansas City will hold:
Federal records from:
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- Iowa
- Select material from Minnesota and the Dakotas
Original records of:
- the U.S. District Courts
- U.S. Attorneys
- Bureau of Prisons
- Steamboat Inspection Service
- Bureau of Indians Affairs
- Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
- National Parks Service
Also microfilm publications of many of the nation's most significant records.
Treasures of the National Archives at Kansas City include records relating to:
The milestone Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision
Wild West showman "Buffalo Bill" Cody
President UlyssesS. Grant
Walt Disney
These are among the 50,000 cubic feet of records in its holdings.
For more information about National Archives programs and exhibits, goto
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Few Thoughts on I Remember by Footnote
By taking I Remember to Facebook, has found a way to extend beyond the genealogy niche and reach out to those who may have never visited Footnote or attempted to research their family tree.
About it's new product, Foonote say "Few events in life generate the emotions and memories as does the passing of a friend, family member or colleague. However, without the appropriate tools and forum to preserve and share these memories, a loved one’s legacy may be lost. Now with I Remember, Facebook users can create a meaningful experience to honor those individuals that had an impact on their lives."
There will likely be varying opinions as to whether I Remember is the appropriate tool to preserve memories and honor loved ones. But often changes are made in small steps, and I think a step into I Remember for a non-genealogist may just be the step they need to gain further interest in their ancestors.
Russell Wilding, CEO of describes it this way, "A big challenge with gathering memories and stories together is getting everyone to contribute and share in one place. Facebook helps eliminate that barrier by bringing millions of people together on a daily basis. The I Remember application simply leverages Facebook’s successful platform so friends and family can participate in remembering people that meant the most to them.”
And I think that's really the heart of the issue. When companies like and bring family history into social networking platforms like Facebook the joy of genealogy has a way to reach the masses. And that's a good thing.
It also helps build valuable content on it's website. When you post on I Remember in Facebook you are simultaneously posting on Footnote. It will be interesting to see whether users fully grasp that concept and how they feel about it. However, this is definitely the trend when it comes to the Internet. And for Footnote it gets everyone who dabbles with I Remember one step closer to A savvy business plan!
Footnote describes how it works this way:
"Using I Remember, Facebook users can share stories, upload photos, post comments and add facts about an individual. These facts will automatically generate a timeline of the individual’s life and a map detailing important places and events. Further, shared information will undoubtedly spark more memories. Soon a robust page can be created through the simple efforts of a few people coming together. For an example of an I Remember page, click here."
I gave I Remember a whirl today and created a page on Facebook (and therefore Footnote) for my grandmother Pauline Herring. As a lone contributor I found myself wondering how much I really wanted to add because it very quickly started feeling like I was just duplicating the effort I had put into my own genealogy database.
So I decided to invite my cousin Carolyn who is on Facebook and is the niece of Pauline. That's where I ran into the first bug - the Invite window didn't work properly and wouldn't allow me to type in a friends name. I imagine these problems will be quickly fixed by Footnote. But for now I will have to manually invite Carolyn to contribute to Pauline's page and see if it emerges as a "robust" profile of our ancestor.
To learn more about the I Remember application, go to
Monday, May 4, 2009
WDYTYA TV Series Premiere Is Finally Set
Saturday, May 2, 2009
What's buried in your yard?

Spring into History

Friday, May 1, 2009
Test your knowledge of pandemic history...

While there is much concern about the current outbreaks of swine flu, history once again reminds us that we have survived difficult times before.
The 1918 Flu Pandemic was one of those times.
In fact, let's test your knowledge of flu history:
True or False: The influenze epidemic of 1918 killed more people than died in World War I.
Hard as it is to imagine, the answer is TRUE.
According to the National Archives, World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives. The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. One fifth of the world's population was attacked by this deadly virus.
Within months, it had killed more people than any other illness in recorded history.
Learn more by visiting the National Archives 1918 Influenze Exhibit online.