Monday, September 13, 2010

Pre-Order Opens Today for Google Earth for Genealogy Volume II

When I saw what Google Earth could do for my own genealogy research, I couldn't wait to put a DVD together to share what I had found.  I've been overwhelmed at the wonderful response and comments about the Google Earth for Genealogy DVD.  It seems you've been having as much fun and success with it as I have:

"You are doing a great service to the genealogy community, Lisa, and your listeners appreciate you.  You are keeping the fun in genealogy!  I am eagerly awaiting your volume 2 of the Google Earth series."
Gratefully, Mary J. Lohr

Susan friended me on Facebook and said: "I am a recent subscriber to your podcasts and recent purchaser of "Google Earth for Genealogy" - which is GREAT. Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial and giving me a new way to use Google Earth. Keep up the good work."

And S. Hawkins wrote: "I had my popcorn while I watched (the) Google Earth videos.  I am learning so much.  Thank you!"

I love hearing from genealogists that they are Googling their was around the globe with the DVD.  And I'm VERY happy to announce today that we're going to take it to a new level with Google Earth for Genealogy Volume II!

Watch the video

Pre-orders have opened today for next DVD in this series.  If you have half the fun watching these as I did creating them, you're going to have a blast!

Head to  to find out more and reserve your copy.  Shipping begins October 1, 2010.

Happy Googling!  Now get out there and ROCK YOUR ANCESTORS WORLD!


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