I will be there along with probably about 1700 other genealogists for one of the biggest family history shindigs of the year.
We will all once again be meeting up in Burbank, CA in June 8 through the 10 of 2012.
This incredibly popular conference will be held at Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel at 2500 Hollywood Way in Burbank, California.
There will be Pre-events such as the Family History Writers Conference and Tech-Trax on Thursday, June 7.
I'll be hitting the stage on Saturday for three exciting presentations:
Sharing the Joy: Inspiring Ways to Captivate the Non-Genealogists in Your Life
Saturday at 10:00 am
(in techie and non-techie ways - you can hear more about this class in the next Genealogy Gems Podcast episode) Learn creative ways to capture the imagination of your non-historian friends and relatives, while honoring your ancestors. The joy in genealogy isn’t just climbing your family tree, but building bonds with current and future generations, and this class will show you high tech and low tech ways to do just that. You are guaranteed to be inspired!

Saturday at 2:00 pm
Getting your family involved in the family history can be challenging, but with Google Earth you will be able to grab their attention and get them willingly involved! In this BRAND NEW CLASS learn how to create a genealogy scavenger hunt in Google Earth that is exciting, interactive and rich with multi-media. Whether your relatives live next door or across the country, everyone can get involved, learn and make discoveries!
10 Ways to Add Volume to Your Family History with Video
Saturday at 3:30 pm

See you there!