Family History News and Views from Lisa Louise Cooke, host of The Genealogy Gems Podcast at
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009 Will Add Interactive Census
Lindon, UT – October 29, 2009 – Today announced it will digitize and create a searchable database for all publicly available U.S. Federal Censuses ranging from the first U.S. Census taken in 1790 to the most current public census from 1930.
Through its partnership with The National Archives, will add more than 9.5 million images featuring over a half a billion names to its extensive online record collection.
“The census is the most heavily used body of records from the National Archives,” explains Cynthia Fox, Deputy Director at the National Archives. “In addition to names and ages, they are used to obtain dates for naturalizations and the year of immigration. This information can then be used to locate additional records.”
With over 60 million historical records already online, will use the U.S. Census records to tie content together, creating a pathway to discover additional records that previously have been difficult to find.
“We see the census as a highway leading back to the 18th century,” explains Russ Wilding, CEO of “This Census Highway provides off-ramps leading to additional records on the site such as naturalization records, historical newspapers, military records and more. Going forward, will continue to add valuable and unique collections that will enhance the census collection.”
To date, has already completed census collections from two key decades: 1930 and 1860. As more census decades are added to the site, visitors to can view the status for each decade and sign up for an email notification when more records are added to the site for a particular year.
View the Census Progress Page on
In addition to making these records more accessible, is advancing the way people use the census by creating an interactive experience. Footnote Members can enrich the census records by adding their own contributions. For any person found in the census, users can:
- Add comments and insights about that person
- Upload and attach scanned photos or documents related to that person
- Generate a Footnote Page for any individual that features stories, a photo gallery, timeline and map
- Identify relatives found in the census by clicking the I’m Related button
“The most popular feature of our Interactive Census is the I’m Related button,” states Roger Bell, Senior Vice President of Product Development at “This provides an easy way for people to show relations and actually use the census records to make connections with others that may be related to the same person.”
“We will continue to move aggressively to add records to the site, specifically those that are requested by our members and others that are not otherwise available on the Internet,” said Wilding.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Free Tool for Genealogy Gems Listeners

Bring Genealogy Gems with you wherever you surf on the Web with the brand new Genealogy Gems Toolbar!
In one free, quick & easy download you will get:
- Google Search Box: search Google or the Genealogy Gems website
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- Gem Sites: Lisa's top picks for free research
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Download your free Genealogy Gems Toolbar today!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Drew and George Turn the Microphone on Lisa
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Latest On Who Do You Think You Are? In The U.S.
The website reports on one of the major differences between Kudrow's show and the BBC titan: "One big difference between the UK and the US versions is that in the UK the show runs for one hour with no breaks. In the states there are commercial breaks, meaning that the total running time is down to 42 minutes."
Who Do You Think You Are? is now slated for launch in January 2010, but that remains to be seen.
Read the whole story and stay tuned for continuing updates..
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Latest Genealogy Records at FamilySearch
New indexing projects added this week are:
· Argentina, Buenos Aires—1855 Censo [Parte 2]
· Canada, Ontario, Toronto—Trust Cemeteries, 1826–1935
· U.S., Maine—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., New York—1920 Federal Census
Volunteers can help with these projects at
Recently Completed Projects
(Note: Recently completed projects have been removed from the available online indexing batches and will now go through a final completion check process in preparation for future publication.)
· Argentina, Mendoza, San Juan—Censo 1869
· Guatemala, Guatemala—Censo de 1877
· U.S., Kentucky—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., Indiana—1920 Federal Census
· U.S., Vermont—Militia Records, 1861–1867
Current FamilySearch Indexing Projects, Record Language, and Percent Completion
Argentina, Buenos Aires—1855 Censo [Parte 2] Spanish (New)
Argentina, Cordoba—Matrimonios, 1642–1931 Spanish 7%
Argentina, Santiago, Santa Fe—1869 Censo, Spanish, 94%
Belgium, Antwerp—Foreigners Index, 1840–1930, English, 61%
Canada, British Columbia—Deaths, 1872–1986, English, 56%
Canada, British Columbia—Marriages, 1859–1932, English,90%
Canada, Québec, Montreal—Régistres Paroissiaux, 1800–1900, French, 4%
Chile, Concepción—Registros Civiles, 1885–1903 [Parte 1], Spanish, 43%
Deutschland, Brandenburg—Kirchenbücher, 1789–1875, German, 82%*
Deutschland, Mecklenburg—Volkszählung, 1890 [Div 24–38], German, 95%
Deutschland, Mecklenburg—Volkszählung, 1890 [Div 39–69], German, 1%
España, Avila, Madrigal y Garganta—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1935, Spanish, 4%
España, Avila, Navalmoral—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1935, Spanish, 16%
España, Lugo—Registros Parroquiales, 1530–1930 [Parte 1], Spanish, 23%
France, Cherbourg—Registres Paroissiaux, 1802–1907, French, 4%
France, Coutances—Registres Paroissiaux 1802–1907, French, 3%
France, Coutances, Paroisses de la Manche, 1792–1906, French, 90%
France, Paris—Registres Protestants, 1612–1906 [Partie 2], French, 50%
France, Saint-Lo—Registres Paroissiaux, 1802–1907, French, 11%
Guatemala, Guatemala—Bautismos de Sagrario, 1898–1920, Spanish, 48%
Italy, Trento—Baptisms, 1784–1924 [Part 1], Italian, 95%
Italy, Trento—Baptisms, 1784–1924 [Part 2], Italian, 49%
Mexico, DF—Registros Parroquiales, 1898–1933 [Parte 2], Spanish, 48%
Mexico, Hidalgo—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 22%
Mexico, Jalisco—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 12%
Mexico, Mexico—1930 Federal Censo, Spanish, 72%
New Zealand—Passenger Lists, 1871–1915, English, 43%
Nicaragua, Managua—Registros Civiles, 1879–1984 [Parte 1], Spanish, 14%
Perú, Lima—Registros Civiles, 1910–1930 [Parte 3], Spanish, 36%
Philippines, Lingayen, Dagupan—Registros Parroquiales, 1615–1982, Spanish, 1%
Russland, Sankt Petersburg—Kirchenbuchduplikat, 1833–1885, German, 1%
South Africa, Cape Province—Church Records, 1660–1970, English, 12%
Sverige, Södermanland—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 3%
Sverige, Uppsala—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 10%
Sverige, Örebro—Kyrkoböcker, till 1860 [Del 1], Swedish, 1%
Tschechien, Litomerice—Kirchenbücher, 1552–1905 [Teil 1], German, 13%
U.K., Cheshire—Parish Records, 1538–1850 [Part 2], English/Old English, 47%
U.K., Warwickshire—Parish Registers, 1754-1900 [Part 2], English, 13%
U.S., Arkansas—County Marriages, 1837–1957 [VII], English, 59%
U.S., Georgia—1920 Federal Census, English, 59%
U.S., Illinois, Cook—Birth Certificates, 1916–1922 [Part 2], English, 90%
U.S., Indiana, Allen County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 71%
U.S., Indiana, Benton County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 50%
U.S., Indiana, Boone County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 22%
U.S., Indiana, Brown County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 33%
U.S., Indiana, Harrison County—Marriages, 1811–1959, English, 17%
U.S., Kansas—1920 Federal Census, English, 73%
U.S., Maine—1920 Federal Census, English, (New)
U.S., New York—1905 State Census, English,74%
U.S., New York—1920 Federal CensusEnglish, (New)
U.S., Rhode Island—1905 State Census [Part 1],English, 20%
U.S., Rhode Island—1935 State Census, English, 39%
Venezuela, Mérida—Registros Parroquiales, 1654–1992 [Parte 1], Spanish, 75%
Österreich, Wiener Meldezettel, 1890–1925, German, 3%
Украина, Киев—Метрические Книги, 1840–1842, Russian, 40%
(*Percentage refers to a specific portion of a larger project.)
Current FamilySearch Partner Projects, Record Language, and Percent Completion
Australia, Victoria—Probate Records, 1853–1989, English, 76%
België, Mechelen—Overlijdens Registers, 1851-1900, Dutch, Flemish, 48%
Belgique—Registres Des Décès—En Français, 1796–1910, French, 36%
*Canada, Ontario, Toronto—Trust Cemeteries, 1826–1935, English, (New)
Deutschland, Bremen—Schifflisten, 1904–1914, German, 76%
Norway—1875 Census [Part 1], Norwegian, 73%
U.S., Ohio—Tax Records, Post 1825 [Part 2], English, 87%
U.S., Ohio—Tax Records, Post 1825 [Part 3], English, 1%
U.S., Utah, Salt Lake County—Birth Registers, 1890–1908, English, 1%
U.S., Utah, Salt Lake County—Death Registers, 1848–1940, English, 22%
(*Percentage refers to a specific portion of a larger project.)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's Never Too Late to Find Someone or Be Found
Here's another example that it is never too late to find someone, or be found. Read the story of how Arnold Nikolaisen found his older adopted sister Traudy in the article At age 75, Kearns man finds sister in Michigan at the Salt Lake Tribune online.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Do You Have Broken Branches In Your Family Tree?

I have yet to meet anyone who has not had sad and painful stories surface during their research...relatives who committed crimes, were institutionalized, or ended their own lives.
In the case of one of my listener's, the broken branch was very close to home - her parents. And more specifically the mother who left her and her sister on a street corner one day, never to return.
Listen to episode 44 of Family History: Genealogy Made Easy to hear her incredible story. She shares the pain of her childhood, her search for her mother, and the healing and freedom that can come from exploring your family tree.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Rare Savings This Weekend Only!

This weekend celebrate Columbus Day by getting 14.92% off your order at the Genealogy Gems store at featuring...
- My book Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies
- Archived Premium Episodes 2 through 7
(audio podcast download and pdf show notes documents)
Use the Coupon Code PINTA
Sale ends Oct. 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Free Archiving Class by Phone on Mon. Oct. 12, 2009
3 Secrets Every Archivist Should Know
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009
Start Time: 02:00 PM Central Daylight Time
End Time: 03:30 PM Central Daylight Time
Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-6333 (Midwest)
Participant Access Code: 451092
Check out Sally's web site for more information.
An Ancestor Is Known By His Pets?

Back in 1905 The New York Tribune ran an article entitle "A Man Is Known By His Pets Some People Say." Could this concept be the next addition to genealogy databases - should we be adding Fido to our ancestor's Pedigree chart? Or would that just be barking up the wrong tree? (I know, ouch!)
To learn more about how pets provide insights to their owners, check out the Library of Congress' Flickr photostream. They have added another year's worth of historic illustrated newspaper pages. The New-York Tribune Illustrated Supplement section of 1905, printed on Sundays, includes published images of signature events of 1905, including: Russian peasants in revolt, dog shows, balloon animals, sculpted shrubbery, and more....In Flickr, you can tag it, add a note, share it....and even read more about it! Chronicling America Illustrated Newspaper Pages from 1905 Added to LC Flickr Photostream
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tomorrow is last day for Webinar discount - Get the scoop on Vital Records

Hurry! Early Bird Pricing Ends Tomorrow, October 8th.
Get the vitals on your ancestors!
Vital Records:Researching Your Ancestors' Births, Marriages and Deaths Online
When: Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 PM EST(6:00 CST, 5:00 MST, 4:00 PST
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $49.99 $39.99 through October 8th
Presenter: Lisa Louise Cooke, host of the Family Tree Magazine Podcast
REGISTER NOW!Do you have all of the vital information for your ancestors? Or, are you missing key pieces of information that would unlock the rest of your research?
Find out how to obtain those essential pieces of your genealogy search with our informative live webinar.
You'll learn:
- an overview of US birth, marriage and death records
- why coverage and access varies from state to state
- types of vital records Web sites
- major sites with vital records and indexes
- how to get offline records with the help of online resources
- Participation in the live presentation and Q&A session
- Online access to the workshop recording after the session concludes
- PDF of the presentation slides for future reference
How Does This Live Event Work?
An online workshop - also called a "webinar" - is a lot like a live workshop or seminar you'd attend at a genealogy society meeting or conference, only it takes place over the Internet. That means you can "attend" the workshop from the comfort of home. All you need is a computer and a broadband Internet connection no special computer skills are required.